2009 (in a nutshell)

>> Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hey everyone!

Today is the last day of 2009. The past few months really flew by! I'm just sitting here, thinking about this past year.

January is always special: Joe and I celebrate our anniversary on the 19th and Dad's birthday is on the 15th. Then school starts up again (but I wouldn't call that "special").February brings Valentine's Day, then my Mom and little sister's birthdays (the 16th and 26th).
March, April, May and June was so-so. Nothing too extraordinary!

Joe and I traveled to Tyler, TX for the second time for the Fourth of July. That is always a fun trip, but unfortunately we won't be going back there in 2010...or probably ever again. Jen and Brandon (Joe's sister and brother-in-law) moved to Colorado Springs, CO! So we'll be visiting them in the spring!

August marked the beginning of the fall semester, and my last day at David's Bridal. It was bittersweet, but when you're barely getting hours you've gotta move on! August is also when I started working at Florence Elementary with the Clayton YES afterschool program. I love working with my kiddos, and I'm glad the opportunity came up when it did! I work with an amazing site director, Sara, and it's been a blast! I can't wait for next semester!
Speaking of semesters, did I mention I made straight A's? I worked my ass off, and it definitely paid off! Keep in mind, all my classes were psychology courses so maybe that's why I did so well!

Joe and I celebrated our birthdays in September. His on the 22nd, and mine on the 28th. It's a birthday, nothing more to it!

October is my older sister's birth month (on the 26th). And of course, Halloween. November is pretty much the start of the Holiday season. I started shopping a week or so before Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving was filled with lots and lots of food!

And of course, December! You already read about my Christmas and now today is New Year's Eve! Joe and I are celebrating with dinner at Olive Garden then going to a friend's house!

Happy New Year, everyone! Peace out 2009 and I hope 2010 treats us all well!

Later Days!


Merry Christmas!

>> Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hello, hello!

How was your Christmas? Mine was awesome! North Texas had a white Christmas this year!

It started snowing on Christmas Eve morning, and I honestly thought it wasn't going to stick. The snow was melting before it hit the ground! Was I wrong or what?! It ended up being almost-blizzard like! I got my nails done in the afternoon, then I spent time with Joe and my family.

Christmas day consisted of waking up early, opening gifts and eating breakfast. Joe and I went to lunch at his parents' place, and then dinner at my house!

I know this is going to sound like a kid rattling about what they got, but I want to share!:

Arizona "ugg" type boots. (these are a pain to put on, but once they're on-super comfy!)
New Moon: The Score soundtrack
Twilight Scene-It? DVD game
Ceramic straightener (with a mini-travel sized one!)
Winter Candy Apple Lotion from B&BW
Twilight Woods lotion and bath spray from B&BW (this may be my new favorite scent)
Handbag Heroes set from BareMinerals
$50 gift card to Southlake Town Center
$25 gift card to Forever 21
2 $20 gift cards to Barnes and Noble
$25 Visa gift card from my Aunt Glenda
Cherry-flavored Carmex (I kept stealing my Mom's)

...I think that's it. I went shopping today and got two sweaters from AE, a red peacoat from Delias (it was on sale for $50!), and the first two books from the Wicked series!

It's been a great holiday season! I hope you got everything on your lists!

Later Days!


Updating is NOT my forte!

>> Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hey everyone!

Apparently I forget I have a blog, and it needs updated every once in a while. Oops.

I saw Avatar this past weekend and WOW! I was thoroughly impressed! The story line, the CGI, the acting....everything made it amazing! James Cameron seriously set the bar for great movies! I think everyone should go see it....twice. Once in 2D and another time in 3D. I haven't done that yet, but eh! Time! Where does it go? I'll get to seeing Avatar in 3D eventually! ;]
"Sounds like Crazy" is finished! The way the author ended is was genius! Now I'm re-reading Eclipse and preparing for the next movie! Yes, I'm aware it isn't out until June, but I don't have as much time has I used to! I have to start early!

Christmas Eve is tomorrow! How did December fly by so quickly? I feel like August was a few weeks ago, and now we're approaching 2010! Next thing I know it, I'll be turning 23 in September! Ugh! I wish I could slow time down just a little bit. We could always use a little more time. There's always one thing we couldn't get to in a day, in a week, in a month or in a year. Wouldn't the ability to slow time down be handy? I think so.

I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a great New Year! I'm not sure if I'll update again before January 1st, but if not I hope my wishes find you and yours!

Later Days!


Christmas Rant.

>> Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hey everyone!

So, I have a Christmas rant.

Most of you know I work for an afterschool program. The age group that is "my kids" are the kindergartners and first graders. On Tuesday the kindergartners were not listening, so after asking Sara I told them I knew Santa's phone number and that Santa and I were BFFs. The kids TOTALLY bought it, and even though I had a "naughty list", anyone who was on it was removed and told they were going to have nothing but good things said about them to Santa Claus!
Apparantly, one of the children didn't get that they was no longer on "the list". This child went home, cried to their Mommy that they were afraid that I didn't give Santa a good word about them. The child's Mom sent a letter to Sara and I. She said she would "appreciate it if we would remove the Santa threat." We had to explain to ALL the kids that what I did was in jest, and that I don't actually have Santa's phone number, and the "Santa" I called was Joe and he was just playing along.

The situation kinda ticked me off, and ruined my day (well, not completely! One of my kiddos brought me a Christmas gift)! The fact that this child is SO sensitive about fictional characters (tooth fairy, Santa, the Easter bunny, etc) and possibly everything else, I don't want even say anything to them anymore! Like if I say anything while joking around that they're going to run home crying to Mommy because their feelings were hurt! UGH!

When I was in kindergarten and misbehaving around Christmastime, my Mom totally used the "I'm going to tell Santa that you're being bad" thing! She even told me that Santa would tell the Easter bunny I was misbehaving! I didn't get my feelings hurt, I went along with it and I behaved!
When did we get to the point where parents are way too overprotective of their kids and making them into a bunch of sissies? This child got so worked up over being on the "naughty list" that they made a bigger issue of it then what it really was. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I know MANY parents use the Santa threat and it works like a charm! I think this particular Mother overreacted.
If I knew this was going to cause such a problem, and it blowing up in my face I wouldn't have done it! I guess this is a learning experience. :/

So I ask you:
Did your parents use the "Santa threat" when you were misbehaving as a kid?

Later Days!


Meteor Shower!

>> Monday, December 14, 2009

Hey guys!

I watched the Geminids meteor shower tonight! I saw ten shooting stars, so naturally I made ten wishes! I wished for the same thing every time, so maybe my wish will come true sooner? I believe the next one is the Quadrantids meteor shower. That happens on January 3 (a little after midnight) til 4am-ish on the 4th. Mel, you get to see it! Yay!

It's only 11 more days til Christmas, 8 more days until Lauren visits from Port Angeles, WA and a week before Mel visits from Moranbah! It's going to be a great holiday season! I've finished all my shopping, and all I need to do now is finish up the wrapping! I found out that Joe's sister, Jen won't be coming home for Christmas. I was kinda sad because I haven't seen her since she left for Colorado early last month! I think Joe and I will go visit Jen and her husband, Brandon in the springtime though! That will be a nice trip!

Onto bigger things: I'm thinking about possibly looking for government/other jobs outside of Texas. I know it's a huge leap of faith, but I figure why not? We have a family friend who has offered to help me apply for some government jobs. He said you have to word so many things on your application a certain way to even get considered for an interview. I'll take whatever help I can get! I talked to Joe about it, and he didn't seem all too happy about it. He pretty much has a job lined up once he's done with school next year. However, this job is only located in Irving, TX and once he's at that job he needs to stay for a while. I love Joe very much, but let's be honest. I would be foolish to bank on us getting married before I turn 23 next September and getting on his benefits. As of right now, I have to look out for me. If this means an opportunity in Colorado, New Mexico or Washington, then so be it! All I can do at this point is pray and let the good Lord lead me down the right path. I need your prayers also, friends. This kind of decision is HUGE and I'm not sure how I'm going to do it!

What else is going on? Oh! This week is the last week of school before the kiddos are out for Christmas break! Clayton has the holiday centers opened, but that's only on the 21-23rd, then it's open again on the 28-31. Yeah, I might have to work til 6:30 on New Year's Eve, but I need the money! I can't complain!

That's all I have for now! I'll update again soon!

Later Days!


It's a bleh kind of day!

>> Monday, December 7, 2009

Hey everyone!

The weather is so blehhhh today! It's cold, foggy and misty! We haven't been able to take the kids outside because it's been so cold and windy! So here's another day we can't take them outside to play! Ugh...over 20 kids stuck inside! This should be an interesting Monday.

I have my last and only final tomorrow morning and then I'm DONE! Yay, no more TCC! Now going on to UNT next semester is still up in the air. I am the type of person who likes to plan things in advance, and it irritates me that I don't know what's going on come January. I don't like uncertainty! I'm praying that I either find a full time job before school starts up again, or that I find the money to pay TCC so they'll send my transcripts to UNT in time. Feel free to pray with me, friends! :]

This was just a quick update!

Later Days!


Manicure fun!

>> Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hey everyone!

I'm kinda done moping around. I received prayer at Gateway tonight, so I'm feeling tons better. Life still goes on!

Any who, I got my nails done today and I am in LOVE with them! I got a regular arcylic set. I tend to stop biting my nails when I have these on, so I figured I would get them done for Christmas-time!

The color is called Ruby Pumps by China Glaze. I also love the snowflake decals I got! It's very Christmas/Wintery! Ruby Pumps is a red polish with a dense red glitter. It sparkles so much in the sunlight; I get distracted! If you're into green polish, you might like Emerald Sparkle. It's the same concept as Ruby Pumps only in a deep emerald green.
PS: Please excuse the random lamp. It's the only good light source I had!

And check out this cute manicure from A Stroke of Color (http://www.astrokeofcolor.ca/)!

It's candy cane stripes! I love this! Maybe I should invest in some Konad art plates to get this look! How adorable would it be for Christmas?

I don't know if I've mentioned it here, but I have a slight obsession with nail polish. The fact that I read Scrangie's blog (http://www.scrangie.com/) really doesn't help! She reviews polishes and post swatches! She has perpetuated my habit ;]

I just wanted to share my obsession for just a moment. If you know of any cute polish colors, let me know! I love trying new colors and brands! :]

Later Days!


Frustration and a half.

>> Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hey everyone!

Sorry for not updating lately. School has been so crazy busy, but my hard work paid off! I'm a straight A student! This is exciting because this hardly EVER happens. I'm a horrible test taker, and to be honest school has never really been a huge priority before this year. So...yay me!

Anyways. I'm facing a lot of frustrations....and a half. Since I didn't get the position with the Keller PD, I've been back on the job trail. I posted my resume on Monster and CareerBuilder. All I've received so far is "job opportunities" from scammers. Awesome! How nice. Every entry level position says I need to have at least 1 to 2 years experience. Ummm...hello!? It's called "entry level" for a reason!

This is going to sound SO horrible, but I found out that one of my Aunts (who is totally trashy by the way) was working as a gate agent for American Airlines. REALLY!? They'll take her and her crass attitude, but they won't hire me because I don't have enough experience? I want to cry right now. I'm so tired of companies not giving me a chance. No, I don't have experience but I'm a student! How am I supposed to get experience when I have to be a full time student in order to keep my insurance?

I feel so drained and depressed over the whole thing. I need reassurance that everything is going to be okay and I really believe that I'm never going to get that. To even say I'm between a rock and a hard place is an understatement.

Friends, I need prayer. I need good vibes. Hell, I need a person who can get me a job. Something, please!! I'm trying so hard to keep my faith, but as time goes on it gets more and more difficult. Please pray that I find a job soon, and that I keep my sanity in the process. This is the most stressed out and depressed I've ever been.

Later Days.


Late night blogging

>> Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hello everyone!

I hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving! I spent it with my family and Joe's family. It was an awesome day filled with lots and lots and lots of food! We were extremely stuffed!

I had my first experience with Black Friday. It wasn't horrible, but then again I only went to Kohl's at 8am and then to Southlake Town Center. Did I go near a mall? Hell no. Either way, I got a lot of shopping done! I'm doing a little more tomorrow too. I would rather get the larger chunk of my shopping done now when I have a nicer paycheck, then struggle with it later with a not-so-nice paycheck. Does that make sense? Anyways, I have my list of people who are getting gifts from me and I believe I took care of seven today, and I only have seven more to go! I'm on a role!
I also saw New Moon (AGAIN, haha) with Juli this afternoon. She hadn't seen it yet, and I was MORE than willing to see it a third time! Is it bad that I can go along with the lines in my head?....AH, who cares! It's an amazing movie!

Well, I felt the need to update and now I'm tired. Maybe I'll be crazy and update again tomorrow! ;]

Later Days!


New layout and NEW MOON!

>> Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hello, hello!

I figured since everyone is getting their Christmas layouts up, I should too! I'm usually not a big fan of gold, but this one appealed to me! I also put some new songs on my mixpod, and changed the color scheme!
Four of the songs on there are from the New Moon soundtrack! The first song is called "Roslyn" by Bon Iver & St. Vincent. It's a hypnotic song, and probably my favorite from the entire soundtrack. Then there is "Satellite Heart" by Anya, "Meet Me on the Equinox" by Death Cab for Cutie, and "All I Believe In" by Amadao & Mariam & the Magic Numbers. "All I Believe In" is a cute song. In the movie it's played when Bella and Jacob are first fixing up the bikes and she turns off the radio. It's a bummer....she should have kept it on! ;]

After hearing that the dispatcher position was a no-go for me, Joe got me the New Moon soundtrack, Owl City's album, and the new Imogen Heap and OneRepublic albums. It made my day much better.

So...NEW MOON! OME (for those of you who don't know the lingo-that stands for Oh My Edward)! The wait was completely worth it! I went to the midnight showing with Sara and Ryan and it was so much fun! Ryan and I got a Jacob and Edward cup that was $5. That is probably the most shameless purchase I've made.

Want to know my favorite part? When Jacob was telling Bella he would never hurt her, and that he would never let her down. I wanted to cry! Then the whole theater started laughing when Mike came up and said "Well...I need to go home." I have my own Jacob and his name is Joe. He had that same conversation with me when I told him I wasn't ready to date again after having my heart broken, stepped and spat on. Joe, like Jacob, was very persistent and never stopped trying. I guess it paid off, hmm? :]
I also wanted to cry when Edward was leaving Bella and saying he didn't want her. Ugh! Talk about a knife to the heart! Then it happened again when Jacob was telling her to go away and never come back! Poor Bella can't catch a break! Another favorite scene is when Jacob comes to visit her and says "The crazy part is, you already know!" When Bella proposes running away together, he looks at her and says, "I would run away with you if I could." I pretended he was saying that to me! And then he hugs her before he leaves again, "Please, please try to remember."
I've already seen it two times this weekend! I definitely plan on seeing it a magical third time! Now I need to read Eclipse so I can be ready for the next movie, which comes out this JUNE! They're not waiting two or three years like this Harry Potter b.s.! Summit knows the fans want to see the movies ASAP, and maybe the actors and actresses want to move on and do other projects as well!

Thanksgiving is this week! I only have to work tomorrow and Tuesday at the holiday center (which is Keller Harvel for me), and then I'm off for the rest of the week! I think I may have classes through Wednesday afternoon...I'll have to double check on that. I'll be having two Thanksgivings: one with my family and one with Joe's family. It should be fun! :D

Holiday Question!
What part of Thanksgiving are you looking forward to? Do you have a favorite dish you want to devour or is it time with family? Let me know!

Later Days!

I found this bumper stick on Facebook and just HAD to share!

Oh, Jasper....you're so thoughful! ;]


Once Again

>> Friday, November 20, 2009

Hey everyone.

I got a call Wednesday from the Keller PD, and I was chosen to go through an oral board. I was so excited! I literally danced a jig around the house!

So much for the jig, ladies and gentlemen. I had my oral board this morning, and I felt confident about my answers. I suppose they weren't enough because they said "Thanks, but no thanks." I should be proud of myself though: over sixty people applied and it got narrowed down to five people (myself included).

I'm back at square one and it's frustrating. I know people are telling me not give up, and keep trying but GOD! It's getting to me! I'm starting to feel like all I can do is work in customer service. I'm tired of the "we went with someone more experienced". I know I'm young, and I don't have a lot of life experience, but I should at least be given the chance!

I need to find a full time job before January. I can't go to UNT and use loans. I refuse to do it! I don't want to be in debt right out of college!

I hate the fact that insurance is the reason why I'm between a rock and a hard place.

Later Days.


I'm stressing a little less

>> Monday, November 16, 2009

Hey everyone!

I got a little bit of stress off my shoulders, however when one thing starts to work out, something else goes wrong!

TCC worked with me, and I successfully dropped my Spanish class. I was extremely relieved! There won't be an F to ruin my GPA. That got worked out, but now I'm having issues with my endocrinologist's office.

Here's the situation:
When I was under Cook Children's care, I would get fifteen bottles of insulin for a three month supply. That left more than enough room for error (if a bottle went bad, insulin pump screwed up, etc). After I left Cook's, I went to Dr. Lakken. His office decided that nine bottles would be enough for a three month supply...okay, fine. It cut me extremely close, but I worked with it.
NOW they're only prescribing me six bottles! I use a bottle a week!
Dad called the office this morning, and was trying to explain to them that six bottles for a three month supply was not going to cut it! However, the lady he spoke to somehow insinuated that having more than that is considered fraud. How I'm not sure.
They are prescribing me insulin based off of my basal rates.
You're probably thinking: "What the heck is a basal rate?!"
A basal rate is the amount of insulin I get continually throughout the day from my pump. Think of it as an outer pancreas.
Also, for future reference: a bolus rate is the amount of insulin I take for each meal I eat.
Dr. Lakken's office isn't considering my bolus rates! SIX bottles for THREE months?! Really?! And they're not going to change this either! I'm looking into finding a new doctor. I feel like I'm at the end of my rope with this one!

I have two tests tomorrow, and I'm going to see NEW MOON Thursday night! Oh my Gosh, it's three days away!

What else, what else....oh! There's going to be a meteor shower tonight! I'll probably wake up around 2:30 to watch it! I'm pretty excited! Out of my all my friends, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who hasn't seen a "shooting star".

I'll update more tomorrow after my tests!

Later Days!


Stress, stress, stress!

>> Saturday, November 14, 2009


Well, the title says it all: stress! I'm under a lot of it right now.

It's the nearing the end of the semester so I have a ton of tests coming up (three coming up on Monday and Tuesday), and I have a paper due on December 1 for Child Growth and Development. To add on the school stress, I was trying to drop my Spanish class, and the business office has my records on hold. Great. Did I mention that today (November 14) is the last day to drop? Why do they make the last day to drop a class on a SATURDAY when I can't call and work things out? Ugh! It's frustrating because I've been working so hard this semester! I'm making all A's in my classes, and if this class can't be dropped it will result in an F and will completely ruin my GPA. Livid doesn't even describe how I feel! Tears of frustration and anger were cried this morning.
Also, the holiday season! I'm trying to figure out what everyone wants for Christmas! It's hard to get something for my family because I know there are things that they want and things that they need. How can I decide between the two? Decisions, decisions!

I had an "eh" evening last night. I couldn't get a hold of anyone, so I decided to go see "A Christmas Carol" alone. I asked my Dad if he wanted to go, but he was really tired and had to get up early the next morning. You may ask, "Dani! You have a boyfriend! Where was he?" The boyfriend decided to take part in game night instead. So while he was playing whatever game, I went to Barnes and Noble and then the movie. I did get a cool book though!

I'll write the summary that's on the back:
Though she doesn't remember the trauma that caused it, Holly Miller has Dissociative Identity Disorder. Her personality has fractured into five different identities. There's the faceless Boy, the prayerful Silent One, the protective Sarge, the rotund Ruffles, and the high-maintenance Betty Jane. Together, they form the Committee. And, as much as they can make Holly's life hell, she can't live without them.
In fact, her life is taking a turn for the better because of them. At the Manhattan diner where she works, Holly makes tips when Betty Jane's flirty Southern personality takes over. And now one of her customers wants Holly to do the voice (well, Betty Jane's voice) for the new animated television show his boss is developing.
Betty Jane wants nothing more than to be in the spotlight. The rest of the Committee wants Betty Jane to shut up. Holly's therapist wants to get to the bottom of her broken psyche. And Holly? She's just along for the ride.

So, I'm already on chapter 6 and it's really great so far! It's like my Psychology text books with a story line (thanks for the line, Megan)! I'll let you know how the entire book is after I'm done!

That is all there is for today. Pray for my sanity, and that I come out of this semester without an F. I'm hoping the school will work with me!

Later Days!


My Garage Sale gold!

>> Monday, November 9, 2009

Hey everyone!

Well, now that I have everything I bought from the garage sales set up in my room, I want to show you! I'm very happy with these pieces!

First is the armoire:

I bought this for $40! It has shelves, and a bar if I decided to take out the shelves and hang clothes instead! I had a gorgeous cherry wood dresser before this, but it was way too big! It took up the majority of the wall space, and it had a tri-fold mirror too! I sold it for $75 to a nice hispanic man driving a tractor down the street. He came back with some of his buddies later! :D

Next is the TV Stand:

(Please ignore the cords! My TV, DVR and DVD player isn't plugged in yet!)
I got this one for FREE! It was part of the leftovers from the same sale I bought my armoire at, and I was more than happy to take it! Again, my old TV stand/shelf took up too much space. This one is a little bit of a fixer-upper though. I'm going to put new knobs on it, and some screws need to be tightened but other than that, I love it!
PS: Can you tell I love to read?! Haha!

The bedframe:

(I stuck my bear on there to make the picture more "homey" and then I forgot to take off the Abnormal Psychology book! Oops!)
My Dad bought this for me! I only had $40 to spend, and I had to choose between this and the armoire. I chose the armoire, and then he wanted me to have it so he got it! I think it was $45. It's kind of like a platform frame, but I can get some storage stuff to put underneath. My bed is definitely high off the ground! I used to just have the box frame on the floor but I can get used to this!

And finally, the shelf (or baker's shelf. I don't know what to call it):
(again, ignore the cords!)
I had bought this a few weeks ago. It was only $10 and I couldn't resist! It's a rod-iron type shelf. It's next to my desk, and it's a perfect storage place for the miscellaneous stuff! My Mom keeps telling me it's a baker's shelf and that I should put it in the kitchen. I think she just wants it!

That's all there is to say!

Later Days!



>> Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hello everyone!

As many of you have heard, The House of Representatives passed the healthcare reform bill. To say I'm extremely pleased and happy is an understatement.

And then I read this kind of crap on facebook:
"If you have to pound and pound to get this health care program passed...and you just do it by the skin of your teeth...what makes Obama think this is what the American people want?"

That statement makes me see red. There are too many closed minded people in this country and it's very frustrating. It's funny how the only people who oppose the reform are the people who can acquire/afford their own policy. I am going to post here what I posted on Facebook. It got tons of responses (positive and negative), and I think it may get you to think.

Did you know that we (the United States) are the only advanced democracy who doesn't offer some kind of health care plan to its citizens? That's pretty sad. Of ALL the civilized countries in the world, we are the only ones with a for-profit health care system. And of the overall top 30 countries that are considered "civilized", only Mexico ranks lower than us in term of the QUALITY provided by our system.Shouldn't a country so advanced and "wealthy" (I say this in quotations because of our debt) take care of its citizens? Why is it that my fellow American would rather screw me over than help me out? I don't understand.
As many of you know, I am a juvenile diabetic. I've been one for almost 11 years, so this means I have a pre-existing condition. This also means I can't buy my own insurance policy once I turn 23 and get kicked off my parents' benefits. I turned 22 as of September 28....I am TERRIFIED of my 23rd birthday next year. I've been looking for a full time career with benefits but no luck. A lot of companies require x-amount of experience for a position . How am I supposed to get experience when the insurance company requires me to be a full time student in order to stay on my parents' benefits? All I'm able to do is work part-time in retail or childcare. What happens when my birthday comes around and I'm still not in a full time position?
I'll tell you what: my HEALTH will be in danger. One bottle of insulin WITHOUT insurance is about $100, while I can pay the same price and get 15-20 bottles WITH insurance. Not to mention how much my testing and insulin pump supplies cost.
I would like someone to tell me how this is right in America. Where someone my age is wracked with worry about what she is going to do next year when she is kicked off her parents' insurance. I should be concentrating on school and getting my degree so I can get a better job. My schooling is going to be cut short or extremely slowed down because the health insurance and pharmaceutical companies are looking out for themselves and THEIR bonuses while people like me suffer.
To the nay-sayers of this reform:
I hope you NEVER get terminally/chronically ill. Honestly! I don't want you to be in my shoes. I don't want you to be put in my Dad's position (i.e. go without his heart medication in order to pay for my insulin). So get off your high horse and try to get a reality check. Not everyone is rich and not everyone can buy or acquire their own policy. For once, think about someone other than yourselves.

I still stand by my statement. I'm not a welfare case. I work and I go to school. The issue isn't that I can't afford my own policy, it is the insurance companies won't touch me with a ten foot pole because of my pre-existing condition. Because people are so ignorant and so closed minded, they have told me to "get over it, lose weight and get rid of the diabetes."
I wish it was that simple! Most Americans think of Type II Diabetes when they hear about Diabetes in general. Type II is when the pancreas is not producing enough insulin or if the body is not using the insulin properly. It can be treated through diet, pills, exercise and if really needed, insulin injections.
I have Type I or Juvenile Diabetes. This means my pancreas has completely shut down. It's useless! It does not create insulin! I started with insulin injections, and now I'm on insulin pump therapy. Until there is a cure, I will be reliant on insulin pump therapy for the rest of my life.

I want to make a few things clear:
If I could have prevented my chronic illness, I would have! DO NOT tell me to "get over it". I will NOT be made to feel guilty for being diagnosed with diabetes and for being sick.

Post your opinions if you would like.

Later Days!



Well, it looks like there were pictures from that halloween party afterall!

Sandra (who hosted the party) finally posted the pictures she took!

Joe was a wannabe Mexican shooter, and I was Mother Nature!

Aaaaaaaaaand me!

This was just a quick post so I could show you what I looked like!

Later Days!



>> Saturday, November 7, 2009


I was cruising the JCPenney website when I came across this gem:

How beautiful is this dress!? It's the perfect shape (A-line), and the perfect length! Not to mention the lace and the black and champagne color...I'm in awe!

I've been looking for a dress to wear to the Nutcracker Ballet next month (we're going to the 7 o'clock show on the 20th probably). Sara has a tradition where she takes someone who never been so it's my turn! I'm very excited! I've always wanted to go, but never had anyone to go with/take me!

The question is however, is it too dressy? Should I find a black dress instead? Can I wear black hose/tights with this number? Could I put a cardigan of some sort with it? If this dress is in stores, I'll try it on to see if I love it on me. If I do love it, I'll have to wait until next paycheck to purchase!

What do you think, lovelies? I want to hear your thoughts!

Later Days!


Bummer City

>> Friday, November 6, 2009

Happy Friday!

Well, I just got a letter from MedStar saying they have decided to go with a more qualified candidate. I'm a little bummed. I wish I had experience! Unfortunately, there isn't a class I can take on how to be a dispatcher. I have to be fortunate enough to get hired with a police department/independent agency that is willing to train me. I know I can do it! I just need the chance, that's all! Now it's down to the City of Keller. Prayers are needed now more than ever, my lovelies! Maybe God did not take me towards MedStar for a reason!

I had an endocrinology appointment this morning. I almost didn't make it because of a MINOR accident on 35, and then some road construction on 820! We all know 35 sucks, but if there's even a minor hiccup it gets ten times worse! My A1C isn't horrible, but it could be better. So I'm going to work on that, and work on dropping some weight. If I drop about 30 pounds, my sugars will be much better, therefore making my A1C better!

I stopped at Half Price books on my way home and picked up a Sign Language Dictionary. Is it sad that I remember more sign language from three to four years ago in high school than the Spanish I've learned in the first few weeks of school? Yeah...Spanish is not for me!

I'm about to go work with my kiddos! It's a Friday so it should be a fun and easy day :]

Later Days!

PS: I didn't mention that MedStar totally didn't seal my rejection letter! I don't even deserve a little spit? Haha!


Post All Hallows Eve

>> Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween (belated...yeah I know)!

Remember how I said I was going to post pictures of my Mother Nature costume last post? Yeah, I left my camera at home, so no pictures! Here's the official costume picture though:

I did not wear heels, but metallic gold gladiator sandals instead! They were much more comfortable! I also wore metallic gold eyeshadow with a mossy green shadow in the outer corners of my eyes. It was pretty! I was so ticked I left my camera at home! By the time I got home, I was so tired that I hopped in the shower and went straight to bed after that.

I also believe that I mentioned my dislike for flaky people. Well, I had a talk with the one I had initially spoke about. I don't know how I feel about the conversation. I got some things out what I wanted, but this person mostly got what they wanted out. I think one of the major issues we had was the deal to swap some items. This person said their half of the deal was going to be done by the time school started, and it wasn't. Here is the thing with me: if someone tells me that they will have such-and-such done by such-and-such time, I expect it to be done. When it isn't done, I get the impression that the person is very lazy or very flaky. I am a very time oriented person. I believe that tasks should be done within a timely manner. When I told that person I felt that way they replied with, "The more and more people push me to do something, the less inclined I am to do it."
Really? So they decide to act like a child? That seriously reminds me of one of my kids at the center:
"I don't want to do it!"
"Because you're telling me to!"
This person is also getting married in July. I had told their significant other that I can't be in the wedding party if things don't change soon. I was barely hearing from the person I was having issues with. They never answered my texts or phone calls, so I was beginning to think they were avoiding/ignoring me.
I understand that it's an honor to be invited to be a part of someone's big day, trust me. I used to work David's Bridal. However, I don't feel comfortable spending so much money (especially the money I don't have) on the dress, shoes, hair, makeup, nails, bachelor/bachelorette parties, bridal showers, and a wedding gift. The last wedding I participated in, I spent a ton of money on the above mentioned and afterwards the bride stopped talking to me. I am starting to see this happen BEFORE the wedding in this situation. I told them that I would be more than happy to help with the wedding, and of course be a witness of their vows. I don't know if that will happen either.
Another reason this person got ticked with me is because I messaged their significant other about the issue, and not them. The reason I messaged the S.O. is because I could NEVER get a hold of them, and I didn't want them to explode on me! So, the S.O. doesn't want to talk to me anymore, because he/she doesn't want to deal with my "petty crap." Nice. I think this is one of those situations where I need to just walk away. We got things on the table, cleared the air, and I need to move on. As I quote my dear friend Amanda: "Why would you want to bother with someone like that?" I'm not sure, to be honest. I tend to fall headfirst into a friendship. I think I may be a little too trusting at times and I believe that everyone has good in them, and that they wouldn't do anything mean or untrustworthy towards me. I'm slowly learning that this is not true.


Lauren is also coming home for Christmas! I'm going to be spending time with friends during the holidays, I can already tell! ;]

I think this has been a long enough post. I'm going to have a lovely Starbucks with Ms. Ryan now. There is always so much to discuss!

Later Days!


The L-Top

>> Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hello everyone!

This past Sunday was the one year anniversary of Matt Lorenzi's death. It doesn't feel like it's been that long. I can remember getting the news as if it was yesterday. Matt and I had our issues in high school, but after we graduated we said how we acted was stupid, immature and we moved on. He had a lot going for him, but his addiction won in the end. Shortly after Matt's passing two more of my classmates lost their battles with addiction: Nick Tripp and Jared Howze. All gone within six months. I visited Matt and Jared Sunday afternoon. As I'm walking towards Jared's resting place, an older woman asks me if I was friends with Matt and Jared. I had never seen her before, so I replied yes and asked her the same question. She replied, "No, but I have met their families. I visit my husband Felix every week and have a beer with him." She held up her can of Keystone with a smile. That may seem odd to most, but I think it's sweet. She decorates the tree by his grave with stained glass bird ornaments too. She was a very sweet woman, and she brightened my day.

On a lighter note: I am happy to say that I am writing this blog on my fixed LAPTOP that has been broken for the past six months or so. Now, my laptop was functioning but the back light on my screen died. So I had to use this huge 1990s monitor to be able to see anything! Not only could I not take my laptop anywhere, the monitor took up the majority of my desk space and I never had room to do any studying. Speaking of studying I had a test in my Abnormal Psychology class today, and I have a test in Juvenile Delinquency tomorrow and one more in Child Growth and Development on Thursday. I'm almost positive I'll be in a drooling state come Friday. The weekend will be welcomed with open arms!

One of my kids at Clayton got the lead role in the Nutcracker play at school! I'm very proud of him! He's one of my kiddos that wants to pursue marching band, so he instantly captured my heart! Not only did he get the role of The Nutcracker Prince, another one of our kids got the role of Clara. I was joking around with both of them saying, "You know Clara and the Nutcracker kiss, right?" They looked at me and said "WHAT?! No way!" Ah, the times of elementary school and the "cootie phase."

Going in a completely different direction...
I've been asking my friends and family what they want for Christmas this year. I know what you're thinking, "It's not even Halloween yet! Why are you thinking about Christmas?" I guess I took a cue from the craft stores, and I'm trying to get a head start on my shopping. It seems around that time of year, I struggle for cash. However, the past two Christmases I worked at David's Bridal. Right before Christmas is the slowest time of the year and I was only getting about six to ten hours a week. I don't think that's enough to buy the presents you want to get for your loved ones, personally.

Random Question:
What is your favorite part of the holiday season? Is it the spirit in the air? The hot chocolate? I want to know!

Random Video:
It's a kitten doing a cute trick for its food! I asked my older sister if we could teach my cat, Bella (we named her that LONG before we knew about Twilight, so no relation) and her cat, Piper this trick. Her response? "No. Bella is anti-everything and Piper has the attention span of a cracked out gnat."

Later Days!


A weekend to myself!

>> Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hello, everyone!

It's the weekend, and I've gotten it off to a great start! I got up early (this being 9:30-10), took Riley down to Bear Creek Park for a nice walk, and I got an iron rod shelf at my neighbor's garage sale for $10! I'll probably head to Goodwill or Community Storehouse today too. I have a bunch of shirts, pants, shoes, etc that I don't want anymore and I can't seem to sell.
My parents are in San Antonio this weekend. Juli is performing at the Bands of America competition (as a matter of fact...she performs at 2:15 today), and Alicia is traveling from Austin to go watch Juli with my parents! We have three dogs and two cats at home, and no one to take care of them...so here I am! It's kind of nice having the house to myself for a few days! I'm going to a Halloween party tonight as Mother Nature. I love my costume! I feel beautiful and sexy in it, without showing an extreme amount of skin. I will post pictures later!

I have three tests next week: one on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Ugh! I'm sure my brain will be fried by then! I'm going to study as much as possible this weekend. I'm off on Monday because Keller ISD is having a student holiday/teacher workday. I'll still have class early that afternoon, but no work! Woop!

I'm going to finish up an assignment that's due today. Psychology....it's a neverending game of writing assignments :]

Later Days!

PS: I was totally eating a Lunchables while writing this. I don't care how old you are, Lunchables are always delicious!


I'm a horrible blogger...

>> Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm pretty sure you can agree with my subject! I haven't written anything since last week, but I will bring you up to speed!

I've been sick lately, not swine flu sick just feeling achy and whatnot. I've missed a few of my classes because of it. I did get all caught up on my assignments for Juvenile Delinquency, so I guess there's an upside to the situation!
Today is the last day to turn in my personal history statement (aka my 34-page-autobiography). I have it all done, except getting it notarized. I'm excited for this opportunity, and I'm praying it works out. If I got the position I would be beyond ecstatic! Send me your prayers and good vibes!

Saturday night, me and Joe met up with my parents at Pennington Field to watch my little sister perform with the Keller Marching Band! She's colorguard captain, and I couldn't be more proud of her! She works very hard.
Oh! Joe and I went to the State Fair on Sunday! It was my first time to the fair (yes, even though I've lived in Texas for the past 13 to 14 years), and it was fun! We rode the TRE (Trinity Railway Express) to the American Airlines center, then hopped onto the DART. Let's just say that the TRE is much nicer than DART. DART was uuber cramped!
We didn't ride any rides, but we did enjoy the cuisine! Joe wanted to eat Fried Twinkies, but we couldn't find them. I tried the fried peaches and cream, and it was surprisingly delicious! Fair food is awesome!

I'm ready for this semester to be over! Bob (my juvenile delinquency teacher) told us that after Thanksgiving, we only have a week of classes left, then it's finals week! When he put it that way, I got more excited! That's not very far at all!
And I found out that Melissa is coming home for Christmas! How exciting is that?! I told her I decided we're having a Starbucks date! ;]

I don't have much else to say!

Later Days!


Wednesday=Hump Day

>> Wednesday, October 14, 2009

We're half way through the week! Woo!

Today has been much better than yesterday. I guess sleeping for 7 hours yesterday, plus the 6 or 7 I got last night really helps! I've been running since 6:45 this morning. I had my dispatch test for the city of Keller, and it went well! I now get to fill out a 34-page autobiography, also known as the "personal history statement". I'm okay with filling out this packet. If I have to jump through hoops to get this position, I'll do whatever it takes!
Work with the kids was okay. Sara and I have started planning our New Moon midnight showing festivities. We'll change our clothes at work, then head straight to the theater (November 20 is a Friday, so we'll be viewing it Thursday night). I'm very, very excited!
Speaking of exciting things, I found out I can use the Navigator and Mobile Web options on my phone! They're part of my plan now! Needless to say, I updated my Twitter AND Facebook from my phone and I was enthralled. To quote Zombieland: "Rule number 32: Enjoy the little things!"
I spent some good coupleage time with Joe tonight. It was very nice, seeing as our schedules HATE each other and all. If he's not at school, he's a work. He also works the closing shift every Friday (which is til like 9:30-10pm), and every weekend. I never get to see him and this displeases me. My work schedule is pretty straight forward. Monday through Friday, 2:15-6:30, with weekends off. The first weekend I had off, I didn't know what to do with myself! I had worked in retail for a year and a half before getting hired with Clayton.

Thought/Question of the Day:
I want to stop biting my nails! Even though I have on nail polish (and a very pretty color too! Innocence by China Glaze), I still can't keep my fingers out of my mouth. Any tips out there to help me stop?

Random Gripe:
Alright, I've said this on my Facebook and Twitter, but I'm going to say it here as well.
I really pick them don't I? Someone who says they're friends with me, then whenever I want to talk or hangout, they don't have the time. I bend over backwards to do what they want to do, or "go with the flow" and be flexible with my schedule to accommodate them. I go out of my way for birthdays, holidays and I never see any kind of appreciation or reciprocation. They call me when it's convenient for them. That's great and all, and I'll let that person vent because they need to. I'm a nice person like that, but shouldn't I get the time and respect I give to them? Have you ever done the "Are you really my friend" test with someone? I'm doing it now. I'm testing to see if I stop contacting a person, will they make the effort to call, text, or message me.
I've been doing this test for almost a week. Nothing. It's almost like a slap in the face.
I love it when people show their true colors. I suppose it's better that I learn now rather than later.

Later Days!


Ah, Tuesday!

>> Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Hello friends!

This is my first blog, and I'm not sure what to say! My dear friend Melissa started a blog on her life in Queensland, Australia with her husband, Chris. I told her if she started one, I would too. It's a good way to see what's going on in each other's lives, so here I am!

Honestly, today was a little rough. I stayed up late last night studying for a test I had in my Child Growth and Development class, and then I couldn't get to sleep. I woke up this morning in a funk, and not feeling well. I have myoclonic epilepsy. So if I wake up too quickly out of a deep sleep, or if I'm having major chemical changes in the body I could seize. I haven't had a seizure in about 6 or 7 years (all thanks to birth control, ironically). I guess the lack of sleep didn't help me much. Thankfully, I can tell when I might have an episode. My arms feel weird, and I can't concentrate on anything...did I mention I had a test this morning? I put my head down for a little bit at Starbucks while doing some last minute cramming with my friend, Amanda.
I ended up calling in sick to work. I didn't know if I was going to get better or worse. My site director, Sara, is awesome though! She told me to get some sleep and she'd see me tomorrow. I'm lucky to work with such an amazing woman :]

In other news, I'm testing for a dispatcher position with the city of Keller tomorrow morning. I wish I could study for that one! I'm a little nervous! So send me good vibes, friends! God knows I need a little help! If I can even get an oral board or an interview, I know I'm doing great! I just have to get over this hurdle! I also have an interview with MedStar in Fort Worth for a dispatcher position on the twenty-third. One of these have to work out, I just know it.

The weather is getting colder here in North Texas. I wore a hoodie today, and I was in heaven! I'm so over the extremely hot summers here. Maybe I'll move to a cooler state someday? Who knows!
We're inching along through October, next thing I know it will be Thanksgiving, then finals week at TCC! Time flies!

I don't know what else to say....so yeah.

Later Days!

PS: Remember that test I mentioned? I got a 98 on it ;]


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