
>> Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hello everyone!

As many of you have heard, The House of Representatives passed the healthcare reform bill. To say I'm extremely pleased and happy is an understatement.

And then I read this kind of crap on facebook:
"If you have to pound and pound to get this health care program passed...and you just do it by the skin of your teeth...what makes Obama think this is what the American people want?"

That statement makes me see red. There are too many closed minded people in this country and it's very frustrating. It's funny how the only people who oppose the reform are the people who can acquire/afford their own policy. I am going to post here what I posted on Facebook. It got tons of responses (positive and negative), and I think it may get you to think.

Did you know that we (the United States) are the only advanced democracy who doesn't offer some kind of health care plan to its citizens? That's pretty sad. Of ALL the civilized countries in the world, we are the only ones with a for-profit health care system. And of the overall top 30 countries that are considered "civilized", only Mexico ranks lower than us in term of the QUALITY provided by our system.Shouldn't a country so advanced and "wealthy" (I say this in quotations because of our debt) take care of its citizens? Why is it that my fellow American would rather screw me over than help me out? I don't understand.
As many of you know, I am a juvenile diabetic. I've been one for almost 11 years, so this means I have a pre-existing condition. This also means I can't buy my own insurance policy once I turn 23 and get kicked off my parents' benefits. I turned 22 as of September 28....I am TERRIFIED of my 23rd birthday next year. I've been looking for a full time career with benefits but no luck. A lot of companies require x-amount of experience for a position . How am I supposed to get experience when the insurance company requires me to be a full time student in order to stay on my parents' benefits? All I'm able to do is work part-time in retail or childcare. What happens when my birthday comes around and I'm still not in a full time position?
I'll tell you what: my HEALTH will be in danger. One bottle of insulin WITHOUT insurance is about $100, while I can pay the same price and get 15-20 bottles WITH insurance. Not to mention how much my testing and insulin pump supplies cost.
I would like someone to tell me how this is right in America. Where someone my age is wracked with worry about what she is going to do next year when she is kicked off her parents' insurance. I should be concentrating on school and getting my degree so I can get a better job. My schooling is going to be cut short or extremely slowed down because the health insurance and pharmaceutical companies are looking out for themselves and THEIR bonuses while people like me suffer.
To the nay-sayers of this reform:
I hope you NEVER get terminally/chronically ill. Honestly! I don't want you to be in my shoes. I don't want you to be put in my Dad's position (i.e. go without his heart medication in order to pay for my insulin). So get off your high horse and try to get a reality check. Not everyone is rich and not everyone can buy or acquire their own policy. For once, think about someone other than yourselves.

I still stand by my statement. I'm not a welfare case. I work and I go to school. The issue isn't that I can't afford my own policy, it is the insurance companies won't touch me with a ten foot pole because of my pre-existing condition. Because people are so ignorant and so closed minded, they have told me to "get over it, lose weight and get rid of the diabetes."
I wish it was that simple! Most Americans think of Type II Diabetes when they hear about Diabetes in general. Type II is when the pancreas is not producing enough insulin or if the body is not using the insulin properly. It can be treated through diet, pills, exercise and if really needed, insulin injections.
I have Type I or Juvenile Diabetes. This means my pancreas has completely shut down. It's useless! It does not create insulin! I started with insulin injections, and now I'm on insulin pump therapy. Until there is a cure, I will be reliant on insulin pump therapy for the rest of my life.

I want to make a few things clear:
If I could have prevented my chronic illness, I would have! DO NOT tell me to "get over it". I will NOT be made to feel guilty for being diagnosed with diabetes and for being sick.

Post your opinions if you would like.

Later Days!


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