Once Again

>> Friday, November 20, 2009

Hey everyone.

I got a call Wednesday from the Keller PD, and I was chosen to go through an oral board. I was so excited! I literally danced a jig around the house!

So much for the jig, ladies and gentlemen. I had my oral board this morning, and I felt confident about my answers. I suppose they weren't enough because they said "Thanks, but no thanks." I should be proud of myself though: over sixty people applied and it got narrowed down to five people (myself included).

I'm back at square one and it's frustrating. I know people are telling me not give up, and keep trying but GOD! It's getting to me! I'm starting to feel like all I can do is work in customer service. I'm tired of the "we went with someone more experienced". I know I'm young, and I don't have a lot of life experience, but I should at least be given the chance!

I need to find a full time job before January. I can't go to UNT and use loans. I refuse to do it! I don't want to be in debt right out of college!

I hate the fact that insurance is the reason why I'm between a rock and a hard place.

Later Days.


emseedubya November 21, 2009 at 11:26 PM  

I saw New Moon and I thought of you!!!!! It was SO good. :):)

I'm sorry the job didn't work out! If you are going to be claiming yourself as an independent on your insurance and you're practically unemployed you could qualify for a LOT of government grants that don't have to be paid back. Maybe worth looking into?

I think taking time out from school while you work and save isn't necessarily the end of the world. School will always be there, and even though you want to get this show on the road, I think it's really mature to choose not to have debts. You'll pat yourself on the back for that one in 10 years time when it comes time for a mortgage. :)


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