Updating is NOT my forte!

>> Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hey everyone!

Apparently I forget I have a blog, and it needs updated every once in a while. Oops.

I saw Avatar this past weekend and WOW! I was thoroughly impressed! The story line, the CGI, the acting....everything made it amazing! James Cameron seriously set the bar for great movies! I think everyone should go see it....twice. Once in 2D and another time in 3D. I haven't done that yet, but eh! Time! Where does it go? I'll get to seeing Avatar in 3D eventually! ;]
"Sounds like Crazy" is finished! The way the author ended is was genius! Now I'm re-reading Eclipse and preparing for the next movie! Yes, I'm aware it isn't out until June, but I don't have as much time has I used to! I have to start early!

Christmas Eve is tomorrow! How did December fly by so quickly? I feel like August was a few weeks ago, and now we're approaching 2010! Next thing I know it, I'll be turning 23 in September! Ugh! I wish I could slow time down just a little bit. We could always use a little more time. There's always one thing we couldn't get to in a day, in a week, in a month or in a year. Wouldn't the ability to slow time down be handy? I think so.

I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a great New Year! I'm not sure if I'll update again before January 1st, but if not I hope my wishes find you and yours!

Later Days!


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