New layout and NEW MOON!
>> Sunday, November 22, 2009
Hello, hello!
I figured since everyone is getting their Christmas layouts up, I should too! I'm usually not a big fan of gold, but this one appealed to me! I also put some new songs on my mixpod, and changed the color scheme!
Four of the songs on there are from the New Moon soundtrack! The first song is called "Roslyn" by Bon Iver & St. Vincent. It's a hypnotic song, and probably my favorite from the entire soundtrack. Then there is "Satellite Heart" by Anya, "Meet Me on the Equinox" by Death Cab for Cutie, and "All I Believe In" by Amadao & Mariam & the Magic Numbers. "All I Believe In" is a cute song. In the movie it's played when Bella and Jacob are first fixing up the bikes and she turns off the radio. It's a bummer....she should have kept it on! ;]
After hearing that the dispatcher position was a no-go for me, Joe got me the New Moon soundtrack, Owl City's album, and the new Imogen Heap and OneRepublic albums. It made my day much better.
So...NEW MOON! OME (for those of you who don't know the lingo-that stands for Oh My Edward)! The wait was completely worth it! I went to the midnight showing with Sara and Ryan and it was so much fun! Ryan and I got a Jacob and Edward cup that was $5. That is probably the most shameless purchase I've made.
Want to know my favorite part? When Jacob was telling Bella he would never hurt her, and that he would never let her down. I wanted to cry! Then the whole theater started laughing when Mike came up and said "Well...I need to go home." I have my own Jacob and his name is Joe. He had that same conversation with me when I told him I wasn't ready to date again after having my heart broken, stepped and spat on. Joe, like Jacob, was very persistent and never stopped trying. I guess it paid off, hmm? :]
I also wanted to cry when Edward was leaving Bella and saying he didn't want her. Ugh! Talk about a knife to the heart! Then it happened again when Jacob was telling her to go away and never come back! Poor Bella can't catch a break! Another favorite scene is when Jacob comes to visit her and says "The crazy part is, you already know!" When Bella proposes running away together, he looks at her and says, "I would run away with you if I could." I pretended he was saying that to me! And then he hugs her before he leaves again, "Please, please try to remember."
I've already seen it two times this weekend! I definitely plan on seeing it a magical third time! Now I need to read Eclipse so I can be ready for the next movie, which comes out this JUNE! They're not waiting two or three years like this Harry Potter b.s.! Summit knows the fans want to see the movies ASAP, and maybe the actors and actresses want to move on and do other projects as well!
Thanksgiving is this week! I only have to work tomorrow and Tuesday at the holiday center (which is Keller Harvel for me), and then I'm off for the rest of the week! I think I may have classes through Wednesday afternoon...I'll have to double check on that. I'll be having two Thanksgivings: one with my family and one with Joe's family. It should be fun! :D
Holiday Question!
What part of Thanksgiving are you looking forward to? Do you have a favorite dish you want to devour or is it time with family? Let me know!
Later Days!
I found this bumper stick on Facebook and just HAD to share!

Oh,'re so thoughful! ;]
I figured since everyone is getting their Christmas layouts up, I should too! I'm usually not a big fan of gold, but this one appealed to me! I also put some new songs on my mixpod, and changed the color scheme!
Four of the songs on there are from the New Moon soundtrack! The first song is called "Roslyn" by Bon Iver & St. Vincent. It's a hypnotic song, and probably my favorite from the entire soundtrack. Then there is "Satellite Heart" by Anya, "Meet Me on the Equinox" by Death Cab for Cutie, and "All I Believe In" by Amadao & Mariam & the Magic Numbers. "All I Believe In" is a cute song. In the movie it's played when Bella and Jacob are first fixing up the bikes and she turns off the radio. It's a bummer....she should have kept it on! ;]
After hearing that the dispatcher position was a no-go for me, Joe got me the New Moon soundtrack, Owl City's album, and the new Imogen Heap and OneRepublic albums. It made my day much better.
So...NEW MOON! OME (for those of you who don't know the lingo-that stands for Oh My Edward)! The wait was completely worth it! I went to the midnight showing with Sara and Ryan and it was so much fun! Ryan and I got a Jacob and Edward cup that was $5. That is probably the most shameless purchase I've made.
Want to know my favorite part? When Jacob was telling Bella he would never hurt her, and that he would never let her down. I wanted to cry! Then the whole theater started laughing when Mike came up and said "Well...I need to go home." I have my own Jacob and his name is Joe. He had that same conversation with me when I told him I wasn't ready to date again after having my heart broken, stepped and spat on. Joe, like Jacob, was very persistent and never stopped trying. I guess it paid off, hmm? :]
I also wanted to cry when Edward was leaving Bella and saying he didn't want her. Ugh! Talk about a knife to the heart! Then it happened again when Jacob was telling her to go away and never come back! Poor Bella can't catch a break! Another favorite scene is when Jacob comes to visit her and says "The crazy part is, you already know!" When Bella proposes running away together, he looks at her and says, "I would run away with you if I could." I pretended he was saying that to me! And then he hugs her before he leaves again, "Please, please try to remember."
I've already seen it two times this weekend! I definitely plan on seeing it a magical third time! Now I need to read Eclipse so I can be ready for the next movie, which comes out this JUNE! They're not waiting two or three years like this Harry Potter b.s.! Summit knows the fans want to see the movies ASAP, and maybe the actors and actresses want to move on and do other projects as well!
Thanksgiving is this week! I only have to work tomorrow and Tuesday at the holiday center (which is Keller Harvel for me), and then I'm off for the rest of the week! I think I may have classes through Wednesday afternoon...I'll have to double check on that. I'll be having two Thanksgivings: one with my family and one with Joe's family. It should be fun! :D
Holiday Question!
What part of Thanksgiving are you looking forward to? Do you have a favorite dish you want to devour or is it time with family? Let me know!
Later Days!
I found this bumper stick on Facebook and just HAD to share!
Oh,'re so thoughful! ;]
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