Wednesday=Hump Day
>> Wednesday, October 14, 2009
We're half way through the week! Woo!
Today has been much better than yesterday. I guess sleeping for 7 hours yesterday, plus the 6 or 7 I got last night really helps! I've been running since 6:45 this morning. I had my dispatch test for the city of Keller, and it went well! I now get to fill out a 34-page autobiography, also known as the "personal history statement". I'm okay with filling out this packet. If I have to jump through hoops to get this position, I'll do whatever it takes!
Work with the kids was okay. Sara and I have started planning our New Moon midnight showing festivities. We'll change our clothes at work, then head straight to the theater (November 20 is a Friday, so we'll be viewing it Thursday night). I'm very, very excited!
Speaking of exciting things, I found out I can use the Navigator and Mobile Web options on my phone! They're part of my plan now! Needless to say, I updated my Twitter AND Facebook from my phone and I was enthralled. To quote Zombieland: "Rule number 32: Enjoy the little things!"
I spent some good coupleage time with Joe tonight. It was very nice, seeing as our schedules HATE each other and all. If he's not at school, he's a work. He also works the closing shift every Friday (which is til like 9:30-10pm), and every weekend. I never get to see him and this displeases me. My work schedule is pretty straight forward. Monday through Friday, 2:15-6:30, with weekends off. The first weekend I had off, I didn't know what to do with myself! I had worked in retail for a year and a half before getting hired with Clayton.
Thought/Question of the Day:
I want to stop biting my nails! Even though I have on nail polish (and a very pretty color too! Innocence by China Glaze), I still can't keep my fingers out of my mouth. Any tips out there to help me stop?
Random Gripe:
Alright, I've said this on my Facebook and Twitter, but I'm going to say it here as well.
I really pick them don't I? Someone who says they're friends with me, then whenever I want to talk or hangout, they don't have the time. I bend over backwards to do what they want to do, or "go with the flow" and be flexible with my schedule to accommodate them. I go out of my way for birthdays, holidays and I never see any kind of appreciation or reciprocation. They call me when it's convenient for them. That's great and all, and I'll let that person vent because they need to. I'm a nice person like that, but shouldn't I get the time and respect I give to them? Have you ever done the "Are you really my friend" test with someone? I'm doing it now. I'm testing to see if I stop contacting a person, will they make the effort to call, text, or message me.
I've been doing this test for almost a week. Nothing. It's almost like a slap in the face.
I love it when people show their true colors. I suppose it's better that I learn now rather than later.
Later Days!
Oh Dani, I think we have the same curse.
I also think I've become that flaky friend lately to my friends her in Oz! I HATE that too because it's like my pet peeve. :( I HAVE done that "real friends" test before. I lost my two "best" friends from senior year at high school this way...but there's no point in trying to breath life into a friendship they're obviously not interested in, kwim? (it was 2 years after school that I stopped calling p.s. it's not like we were still seeing each other every day and just weren't friends. lol)
As far as not biting your nails goes, all I had to do was wear fake nails for 6 weeks back when I was 16 and I never bit my nails again. I still like...nibble if that makes sense, like run them across my teeth, but I don't bite hard and never bite them all the way off. I LOVE OPI's Nail Envy too btw, it gives you long and strong nails really fast.
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