Consider my confidence a little deflated.

>> Friday, April 9, 2010

I got an e-mail this afternoon stating the position with KISD has been filled, and wishing me success in my future career search and education.

That's awesome. I only spent so much time preparing, subbing, getting to know the kids, and oh! Dropping all my classes because I spent more time focused on getting the position than my assignments. I thought the interview went great! I guess they went with the certified candidate. I should've known better though, right?

I feel used, and very disappointed. I know crying won't make them change their decision, but I'm frustrated! I'm back to square one, and it's very, extremely overwhelming because I don't know where to start. I really thought I had it!

We'll call this my "pity-me-and-make-me-feel-better" post. Cause I really need words of encouragement. I felt I was lead around by my nose. UGH.

Later Days.


emseedubya April 9, 2010 at 10:24 PM  

I'm not good at refraining from offering advice and opinions in these situations (everyone inevitably just gets mad and tells me 50 reasons why my advice will never work anyways. lol) But I will refrain. Unfortunately I don't know how to encourage without offering advice either. ha! I can't say anything.

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