I looked at him, and I saw myself.
>> Monday, April 26, 2010
Hey everyone!
I had to call in sick today. Lame. Especially since I'm trying to save up for my cousin's wedding (refer to the previous post)! But I guess it's only 4 hours...not the end of the world. Anyways, I got extremely bored and it was either read the new book I bought or attempt to edit a video. You think I would choose to read a book, but not today!
There is a huge community of people on YouTube who do nothing but make "anime music videos". I don't know why ALL the videos they make are called that, cause a lot of them are from animated films, and TV shows but it's whatever. I've ALWAYS wanted to make my own, but never knew how or even where to start!
As you know, I'm just a wee bit obsessed with the movie "How to Train Your Dragon". I figured since I was at home sick, and bored with nothing to do, I'd give this whole fan music video thing a shot! I started at 1 o'clock, and after all the cutting, choosing what clips to use (and maybe a break or two), I was done around 5!
I know mine is not THE best out on YouTube right now but you know what? It's mine, and seeing as it's my first one EVER I'm pretty stinkin' proud of it! I used the song "Savin' Me" by Nickelback....you can't ever go wrong with Nickelback! ;]
Let me know what you think, okay? I showed it to Mom thinking she'd go "Okay, whatever Dani. This is stupid." But I was wrong! She loved it! That was a sign for me to get it on YouTube!
In other news:
I visited my new endocrinologist this morning! She's really nice, and very down to Earth! She asked me how I was doing on insulin, and I told her the reason I left Dr. Lackan's office (which was that whole 6-bottles-for-a-three-month-supply ordeal) and guess what? I'll be getting 15 bottles for a 3 month prescription! WOW! I haven't had a 3 month supply that big since I was still under Cook Children's!! Talk about a blessing!
Remember how I said I bought a new book? Well, I'm only on chapter two (and a half) and it's really good so far!
Here's the cover:

Yes...another vampire series! I had gone to Barnes and Noble to return the first two Wicked books I had bought (I just couldn't get into them) and I wanted to find something else. One of the "booksellers" there asked me what I normally like to read, and she suggested this series. I asked "Isn't this what True Blood is based off of? I don't like True Blood!" To which she answered, "I don't like True Blood either! It SUCKS compared to the books!" I took her word for it, and bought an $8 paperback on my giftcard. She was right! The books are beyond better than the TV show! This means you should check it out too! ;]
I just wanted to toot my horn about my video, and let you know about a new book! Speaking of books...I'm going to get in bed and start reading before bed! Tootles!
Later Days!
My blog title is a quote from How to Train Your Dragon. I know, I know! OBSESSED!