Something new!
>> Tuesday, November 23, 2010
I've started reading Jenni's blog, Story of My Life and I've really fallen in love with her writing. It's like we're sitting there having a girl chat. Love that!
*Jenni, if you're reading: thank you for starting your billionth blog. If you didn't I wouldn't be inspired to finally keep up with mine. Oh, and I'm totally going to keep up with the List of Ten Tuesday. ;]
So here we go, lovelies! My first List of Ten Tuesday!
And yes, I'm aware it's almost Wednesday. It's the effort and actually making the darn list that counts!
Ten Things I'm Looking Forward to This Holiday Season!
(and in no particular order)
1) The Christmas Music

2) Shopping

3) The Atmosphere

4) Starbucks Holiday Drinks

Psst! I found out they have the peppermint flavoring all year round! Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha, anyone?!
5) Decorations

My parents bought a new tree last year (pre-lit, woohoo!) and Mom said she would no longer decorate the tree with our "hodge-podge" ornaments. This kinda broke my heart, but I understand. Me and my sisters aren't little kids anymore. So instead of looking at The Rescuers and other various Disney and baby picture ornaments, it is candy cane themed. Lots of red, white and silver! Mom even made a big bow for the top with long curly tails to go down the tree. Now if only I could convince Mom and Dad to start decorating OUTSIDE again...
6) The Weather

7) Being Unabashed About Hint Dropping

8) Family
I love my family. We have our moments where we bicker and argue, but I wouldn't trade them for anything. Family is what should be most important during the holidays. Not the material things-FAMILY. Which leads me to...
9) Traditions

and finally
10) Charity

How'd I do?! I think Thankful Thursdays are only during November, so I'll do my first and only one for this year in a few days! For now, I need some sleep! I'm off tomorrow and seeing Harry Potter for the second time! I won't wear eye makeup this time, I learned my lesson from the midnight showing :'[
Later Days!
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