Fall is here!...well, sorta.
>> Sunday, October 10, 2010
Did you notice the decor change?! Oh yes, lovelies. Texas has officially started to get the Fall weather memo! It isn't as cool as I'd like it to be, but it's so much better than dealing with over 100-degree heat! Barbara said we're experiencing an "indian summer." It's still a bit warm during the day but it's nice and cool at night! Can't wait to wear my sweaters and boots...just thinking about it makes me giddy! My marker that fall is really here though? There's this huge tree a few houses down and it gets completely golden right before the leaves fall. It's so beautiful! When that tree is a golden fall color...that's when I know! I'm hoping we start seeing high's in the upper 60s/lower 70s soon. We have a cold front coming in later this week, so fingers crossed!!
My birthday came and went. I am now officially uninsured. Hooray? It isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I have plenty of supplies to hold me over until January. However, Dad told me I would only be receiving medical coverage when I'm reinstated. I'll have to buy my own dental and vision. I think until I get a better job anyways, that's fine. My teeth aren't rotting, and my eyes haven't really changed...so I think I'll survive. I just need to eat better, be more active and take LOTS of vitamin C! Don't want to get sick without insurance!
Also, I haven't stepped foot in my gym since JUNE. Horrible!! I'm going to try my best to get my butt back there at least twice a week starting tomorrow! I've been staying up WAY too late reading and by the time I wake up, I need to get ready for work. Yeah, definitely lame.
That's about all I have for now. I'll try to be a better blogger, I promise!!
Later Days!
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