Busy weekend!

>> Monday, March 22, 2010

Hey everyone!

I had such a fun, great and busy weekend! Let's get started, shall we?

I only had to work from 10:45 to 2:45, which is pretty awesome. It didn't eat up my entire day! So after getting off, I got my nails done! It was nice to get them done after not doing so for a long time! I met up with Christine at Red Robin's! We had a few drinks, and she bought my 35mm camera for $90! I think that's a pretty good sale! $25 of that was in the form of a Target gift card, but I can't complain! So you know Old Navy is right in the vicinity, so I went over there to check out what goodies they had! I'll post my haul video at the end of this post ;] I hung out with Joe that night. He gave me a promise ring!! I was so excited, and I couldn't (and I still can't) stop looking at it! It's beautiful! Think I'm lying? Here's my proof!

There it is! Isn't it gorgeous?! It's just the kind of style I love too!

This is the side. I'm not a huge fan of the heart shape, but I like how it's there in an inconspicuous way ;]
Joe had great timing!

I get up bright and early to go see Marcie, my hairdresser. She came in at 7:30 just to do my highlights before me and Joe's portraits that morning. And can I say that Mother Nature (or her Texas relative...I like to call her Mother Jean) has HORRIBLE timing? The weather was beautiful ALL week, and it was rainy, windy, cold and even SNOWY the day Joe and I get our pictures done. Lame.
After pictures (which were fun by the way, I can't wait to see them), we both changed into more weather appropriate clothes, and I wanted to check out the new GW Boutique. It's a Goodwill store, but with only higher brands for dirt cheap! Stay tuned, I talk about it in my video below!
After my shopping fun, we went to eat lunch at Freebird's. I can't say I was too entirely impressed with their food. Call me crazy, but I think Chipotle is way better. After we ate, Best Buy was our next stop. Joe was looking for an HP netbook. He didn't find it, but I found my Twilight: New Moon DVD! Exciting!
Joe eventually found his netbook at Office Max for $299, which is a great price! After that, we went back to my place to chill out and watch a movie (can you guess which one?).

Haul video!

This day was pretty much filled with a bunch of nothing. And that's okay! I took Joe a Sonic drink to work, snooped around Target a bit, then went home! Nothing too exciting!

Wait did I just say, "nothing too exciting"?! Oh, if only I knew that history was going to be made later on that night. Yes, my fellow bloggers and Americans: the healthcare reform bill was PASSED!! Some of it's amazingness includes:
- Making it a criminal act if insurance companies drop someone just because they get sick.
- Allowing young Americans (such as myself) to stay on their parents' policy until the age of 26
- and banning the insurance companies discrimination of pre-existing conditions
I cried tears of happiness! Not only is this bill going to help millions, it is buying me TIME. Time, which is so precious! I didn't have it before last night, and now I have a whopping 3.5 years to get started on my Bachelor's! A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders!

Speaking of tears...I'm going to make a sad paragraph.

One of my friends, Shayla, is going to be a Coastie wife as of this summer. She has been reading a blog of a fellow Military wife called "a little pink in a world of camo." Shayla has asked us to visit this young woman's blog and pray for her. This woman's husband, on his first tour in Iraq, was killed last week. He left behind many family members, a loving wife, and a beautiful daughter he never got to meet. I'm not a military family member, girlfriend, fiancée, or wife...but I do understand how horribly devastating the loss of a loved one can be.
I'm asking you to visit her blog, and leave her words of kindness and support. She has a long, rough road ahead and she needs all the support and love we can offer her and her baby girl.

Later Days!

Oh and PS:
I had my second free training session today, and there isn't any of this "I'm going to feel this in the morning" business! I'm feeling it now! I can barely walk! Damn lunges...


Shayla March 23, 2010 at 10:05 AM  

Hey Girl!

I LOVE the promise ring! Lee and I had promise rings before he left for boot camp. It's so great to have a guy make a commitment like that (plus it means he's thinking about his future with ya!!!)

I so do not understand the snow thing either!!! luckily we had our engagements done (some of which are on my blog) the night before it snowed-thank goodness!!!!

your Vlog is AWESOME! I love the little pop ups and you just crack me up!!! we need to catch lunch or something sometime!!!

The makeup seems really nice, I do not know how to put eyeliner on :( but the eyeshadow is totally something I would wear!!!

im BEYOND jealous of your AMAZING GW Boutique steals!!! I've heard of it (but I heard about it before it opened) but I dont know where it is or what times they're open???????

thanks for mentioning Rachel in your post. Its been a huge shock for us military chicks to deal with. No one wants to hear about a sister having to go through that. Especially her, she's SO young, and has a new baby :S

emseedubya March 23, 2010 at 11:41 PM  

You know I love your ring, so I'm just gonna talk about your haul!

I'm pretty impressed you can fit into a Fossil M! I've always always worn a L, XL there no matter how skinny I am. hahaha My giant arms.... Floored by those awesome GWB prices! Gahhh if onlyyyy..... Did you find out what season you are? You bought mostly Winter color palette stuff and it does all look like it could be from the same collection (YAY! good job!) so I'm just curious. ;) I think that eyelet skirt is perfect for your shape, and so is that peasant-tank thing. (I NEED that in a size L. If you pick one up, I will Paypal you the cash to mail it to me, seriously. LOVE.) I also love all your v-necks! Are they boyfriend tees? They seem a bit loose. I know you're not blessed in the bra, so I'll tell you that when I wear my boyfriend tees I wear my bra with no padding and skinny jeans and, for some reason, the flatness and the baginess of the shirt with no cleavage makes me look skiiinny, but I look fat if I wear it with my super padded bra....dunno why! Just an idea for you to try if you want.

The only thing I'd suggest trying next time is to branch out a bit and, instead of buying 1 item you really like in different colors, hold out for another top that's cute and different. You may not find it in the same store, but it's worth saving the dough and waiting for something special and different I think!

Another thing I love about all your stuff is that a lot of your items have something special about it. Those details are what get you compliments, and you want at least one thing you're wearing to be compliment-worthy every day, it makes you feel special. :)

I love a good haul video, but It seemed a little like you were trying to copy the mannerisms of other people who make them instead of just being your adorable self and it made it awkward a couple times in there. Make more videos though, I like them. :)

Dani March 24, 2010 at 11:48 AM  

Thanks for the love, guys! I've always wanted to do a haul video, and since I shopped so much that weekend...I figured why not!

Shayla: I can't stop looking at my ring! Is that how you were when Lee gave you one? haha! Thanks for watching my video too! I really do wish Tyra would just call me already! ;]
And the GW Boutique is in the newer shopping center in Keller (next to Care Now and QT?) on 377! We should go together sometime! It's really fun! I mentioned Rachel to a friend of mine (she's a former Navy wife), and her family will be sending their prayers. I can't imagine being so young, with a baby, and losing my husband! Devastating!

Mel: I fit into the Fossil M, but only by a little bit! I figured I'm losing weight, and I'm almost there! And if I don't like it, it's not like I spent $60-70 on it! I'll try to find that top and I'll let you know! I think it only comes in that cream color though, is that okay?! And my v-neck tees are just that. I just get them a little bigger because they're 100% cotton, and I know they'll shrink after a few washes. I've been into v-necks lately! I used to hate them because I was so insecure about my chest, but now it's like YEAH! I love them!
And thank you, thank you for your honesty! I was kinda trying to be like juicystar07 and allthatglitters21 (Elle and Blair Fowler). Now I know what I can do, and obviously people like it! I'm at over 220 views already!
I wish you were still here! Now when I go shopping, I think to myself "What would Mel think about this?" You're like my own Stacy! :D

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