>> Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hey everyone!
Is it really 2010 already? I'm still getting used to writing that!

A few opportunities have come up since the last time I blogged.

I found a job at Carol Harris insurance here in Keller. It seemed like an awesome idea then she told me she would only want me working part time. Why would I leave one part time job for another with no guarantee of a full time position? I can't leave my kids for another part time position, I just can't! Sara mentioned that Independence Elementary is in need of a site manager. Do I think I'm ready? Probably not, but Sara said with training and her helping me with every step, I could do it. I'm on the fence! I'm so attached to the kids at Florence, so I'm almost afraid to leave! I want to go for it, but then again I've never been in a manager-type position. I suppose there's a first time for everything. I would be get benefits after 90 days, so if I'm going to do this I need to get on it now! Everyone I've talked to thinks I should go for it.
Also, one of my kid's parents mentioned they need a x-ray technician, ultra sound tech. I think we're going to discuss it more this week, but they offered it to Sara (she turned it down) and they said they would put her through school! Maybe they'll offer me the same? Keep your fingers crossed!

I was able to register for yet another semester at TCC. Ugh! Just when I think I'm done then I'm sucked back in. I have two classes with Bob, another with Dolores and a class with an unknown teacher. That scares me: not knowing who they are and I can't look them up on ratemyprofessor.com! Boo!

That's all I've got for now! I promise I'll update more!

Later Days!


Shayla January 14, 2010 at 10:14 AM  


HOW ARE YOU?????!!!!?????!!!!

I would SO take that management position, or the xray tech with school paid for :)

im glad to see you and your man are still together :)!!!

I went to david's bridal this week and I TOTALLY was hoping I would see you!!!

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