Rude People!

>> Monday, February 22, 2010

Hello readers!

I have a rant about rude people. I know I've ranted about flakes, but this just irks me!

I'm in a Psychology of Adjustment class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. My teacher encourages a class discussion/participation. I'm the type of person who likes to talk and hear other peoples' stories! However, there is this older woman in my class I would probably put around my Mom's age. She LOVES to talk and give her two cents, but whenever I'm talking she is so incredibly rude! She'll sigh, crack a joke, etc. And today, she asked Cynthia (my teacher) if she "remembered what we discussed on Friday" (we talked about staying on topic) and "that's all she wanted to say" right after I said something! Everyone was still copying the notes, so I wasn't interrupting anything! I always listen to her stories about her previous drug use or her rebellious teenager, but am I interested in it? No, not really but I am still courteous, and I let her speak!

I talked to Cynthia after class and I told her how this woman is really bothering me! I was taught to listen when someone is speaking, and have common courtesy! She said to take the high road and not say anything. I told her if it continues, I'd have to say something! Not be confrontational, but just tell her she's being extremely rude! Cynthia said if it happened again on Wednesday, she would discuss being rude to the class.

How many times have you had to keep your mouth shut about a rude person? Did you confront them, or take the high road and let it go?

Later Days!


School is kind of stupid.

>> Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hey guys!

I don't know what my problem has been lately! I haven't been wanting to go to class. And I haven't really gone. My Monday-Wednesday class is fun, but at the same time the teacher just reads us the book. Why am I going to drive all the way out to Hurst to just have a book read for me when I can read it at home? And my other classes? I'm honestly just not feeling them.
Ever since this job opportunity with KISD has come up, my focus has been on that. I know! The job is still in the "prospect" category right now, but I am feeling VERY confident about it! I know this position was meant for me!

The more I think about school, the more upset and frustrated I get. I have slowly come to the realization I'm probably not going to receive my Bachelor's. I could have been at UNT last fall! What's holding me back is finances. I've said it before and I will say it again: I refuse to use loans! If this means not going to school, then so be it. I'm tired of people telling me I NEED to go to school. Keep in mind the people telling me this are having their parents pay for school, they don't have to work, and oh! They don't have to worry about medical insurance. Nice for them, but I don't get those luxuries! My parents won't be able to help me with school. Oh yes, I hear it now! "Dani, there are grants and scholarships!" This is true, but almost every one I'm qualified for wants me to talk about my "volunteer experience". When do I have time to volunteer?! I work and go to school, remember?

Maybe I wasn't meant to go to college. I'll take my associate's and move on, I guess.

Later Days.



>> Monday, February 15, 2010

Just a quick post!

So, there's this website, right? It's called! It's pretty much a giant chatroom with the shuffle button on. It can have it's fun moments, but not so fun when you're getting flashed. Ew, kinda gross! But here's what I think is fun: the global connections!

I had the pleasure of meeting a wonderful British gentleman named James! We had a nice long chat, and there was no flashing involved! I love meeting new people, especially internationally!

So here's to you, James! Thanks for the awesome conversation, and keeping your clothes on! :]

Later Days!


Blog, bloggity, blog, blog...

>> Monday, February 8, 2010

Hello all!

So, lots and lots has happened since I've talked to you last! I applied for an aide position with Keller ISD, and I think I'm the front runner for the job! How exciting right?! I'm so excited, I think I'm getting ahead of myself. Oh, dear. This would be full time, benefits, and it's at Florence where I already work with Clayton! I'm hoping if I get the position, Clayton will still let me work for them in the afternoons until the end of the school year. I think it would be stupid to leave my kiddos right before the end of the year.
Here's my plan: if I get hired with KISD, I'll take those paychecks into my checking account and my paychecks from Clayton into a savings. I figured I could put back some money to either buy a car or move into my own place. I think it sounds like a good plan. Thoughts?
Keep your fingers crossed that both work out...because if they don't I'll feel uuber lame.

Valentine's Day is upon us!! Dun-dun-dun!! For some, it really sucks, but for others (like myself), it's pretty amazing! I love spending time with Joe! I know he would probably disagree with me (ha!) because he always wants to hang out on school nights when I'm soooo tired from work, and I have to wake up early the next day, so I normally say "no I can't"! Which by the way, I'm trying to prepare my body for waking up early 5 days a know just in case I get that awesome job ;] Anywho! Joe and I are going to Texas Roadhouse (omgyum) then we're going to see Valentine's Day! It looks like a super cute movie, so Joe has no choice but to take me! Haha! I've been asked, by more than a few people, if I think Joe is going to propose. I don't think he will. Working at David's ruined the holiday season/Valentine's proposals forever with me. Plus, he's not in a permanent job right now so it probably won't happen! I'm being patient! It will happen when it happens!
What are you doing for Valentine's? I want to know!

Just a random thing:
I've been watching Millionaire Matchmaker on Bravo lately, and I'm officially obsessed with this show!! It's hilarious!! Patti Stanger reminds me of my older sister....except older, and more Jewish. Check it out, and I can guarantee you'll laugh at least a few times!

That's all I've got for tonight, lovers!

Later Days!


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