Oh, you know, LIFE.
>> Wednesday, June 15, 2011
I did it again, didn't I?
Okay, so here's what's gone down since I've spoken to you last.
Joe and I are ENGAGED! And in the most perfect way possible: at home, on our couch. Ha!
Joe popped the question May 7. I had been giving him..."subtle" hints all day ("My nails are done, babe! Don't let them go to waste!"). And because of those hints, I didn't think it was going to happen that night!
Earlier in the day, we had stopped by PetsMart to check out a dog we wanted to adopt (more on him later). After leaving and saying I REALLY wanted the dog, Joe asked, "If you could have your engagement or the dog, which would you choose? Cause doing either will put one of them back." How MEAN of him to ask me that! I ended up saying the dog because I knew Joe would propose eventually, but the dog may not still be available! Needless to say, we didn't get the dog that Saturday.
After running around for the majority of the day, we came home and ate dinner. After we cleaned up, we were sitting on the couch: nothing fancy, right? Joe asked me if I had the paperwork for my promise ring. I told him it was in the drawer and I'd go get it. He, in the meantime, had my promise ring and was "looking for scratches" with the flashlight app on his iPhone. Should I have gotten suspicious then? Probably, but I didn't. I came back with the paperwork. He looked at it, then set it down on the coffee table.
Odd...I didn't see my promise ring anywhere. "Where did he put it," I thought. So I asked, "Can I have my ring back? I feel naked without it!" Joe replies with, "No, you can't."
What was my response? "Well then, can I have my upgrade then?" I swear I was joking!
...okay, whatever. You guys know me better than that.
After I asked that he opened up his hand and there was my "upgrade." After saying "OhmyGodOhmyGodOhmyGod" and flailing my arms, he asked me to marry him!
And of course I said YES!
Was it on a mountain top like he originally planned? Nope, but I loved it all the same!
We don't have an official date yet, but we're thinking November 2012. Gotta have time to plan and pay for things!
Oh? You thought I was done! No, no, lovelies. More life has happened.
Remember the dog? We adopted him....and then had to return him to the rescue 22 days later.
We adopted a five year old golden retriever. The whole reason we fell in love with him was because of his calm personality. A dog that could be chill with tons of people and other dogs walking around PetsMart? Score!
The rescue thought he would do well in an apartment, and we did too! But we were all wrong. He needs another dog with him while "Mommy and Daddy" are at work, a backyard, and a home without cats. We don't have cats, but my parents do. He stayed with them for 2 days while Joe and I were busy with James and Diana's wedding, and Mom said there was no way he could stay with them again. He wouldn't leave the cats alone.
After a long, hard and tearful discussion, Joe and I decided to release him back to the rescue. As much as we loved him, we had to think what was best for him and we couldn't provide that.
I cried like a baby, of course. I know they'll find him a perfect home. The foster coordinator said she would keep me posted on him, so that made me feel better.
If, and when, we decide to get another dog, we know to get a smaller breed that's okay with being alone for the larger part of the day. But for now...it's just us and that's just fine.
I got (another) new job! I know, I can hear it now: "But Dani! You just started at your other new job!" Hear me out, guys! My new-new job is only five miles away from our apartment, and it pays $2 more per hour! Oh! And did I mention full medical, dental and vision insurance and a raise after 90 days? Yeah, I would have been STUPID to pass it up!
I will miss my co-workers I've gotten to know over the past month, they have all been so incredibly nice and amazing. Many of them even encouraged me to go for the new job! Talk about support! My last day with them is this Friday (the 17), and I start my new position on the 20.
In other news, I'm ready to chop off my hair. I should probably leave the long locks alone for the wedding, but I'm figuring our wedding is a year and a half away, and hair grows. If it isn't to the length I want by that time, I'll just get some clip in extensions! What haircut am I looking at?
This one! Short with a TON of layers. I have my appointment booked for Saturday...and I'm getting my hair colored! Gotta look fresh for the engagement pictures! ;]
Oh, and in about 16 days, Joe and I are going to Colorado Springs for the Fourth of July! SO EXCITED!
Later Days!
Okay, so here's what's gone down since I've spoken to you last.
Joe and I are ENGAGED! And in the most perfect way possible: at home, on our couch. Ha!
Joe popped the question May 7. I had been giving him..."subtle" hints all day ("My nails are done, babe! Don't let them go to waste!"). And because of those hints, I didn't think it was going to happen that night!
Earlier in the day, we had stopped by PetsMart to check out a dog we wanted to adopt (more on him later). After leaving and saying I REALLY wanted the dog, Joe asked, "If you could have your engagement or the dog, which would you choose? Cause doing either will put one of them back." How MEAN of him to ask me that! I ended up saying the dog because I knew Joe would propose eventually, but the dog may not still be available! Needless to say, we didn't get the dog that Saturday.
After running around for the majority of the day, we came home and ate dinner. After we cleaned up, we were sitting on the couch: nothing fancy, right? Joe asked me if I had the paperwork for my promise ring. I told him it was in the drawer and I'd go get it. He, in the meantime, had my promise ring and was "looking for scratches" with the flashlight app on his iPhone. Should I have gotten suspicious then? Probably, but I didn't. I came back with the paperwork. He looked at it, then set it down on the coffee table.
Odd...I didn't see my promise ring anywhere. "Where did he put it," I thought. So I asked, "Can I have my ring back? I feel naked without it!" Joe replies with, "No, you can't."
What was my response? "Well then, can I have my upgrade then?" I swear I was joking!
...okay, whatever. You guys know me better than that.
After I asked that he opened up his hand and there was my "upgrade." After saying "OhmyGodOhmyGodOhmyGod" and flailing my arms, he asked me to marry him!
And of course I said YES!

We don't have an official date yet, but we're thinking November 2012. Gotta have time to plan and pay for things!
Oh? You thought I was done! No, no, lovelies. More life has happened.
Remember the dog? We adopted him....and then had to return him to the rescue 22 days later.
We adopted a five year old golden retriever. The whole reason we fell in love with him was because of his calm personality. A dog that could be chill with tons of people and other dogs walking around PetsMart? Score!
The rescue thought he would do well in an apartment, and we did too! But we were all wrong. He needs another dog with him while "Mommy and Daddy" are at work, a backyard, and a home without cats. We don't have cats, but my parents do. He stayed with them for 2 days while Joe and I were busy with James and Diana's wedding, and Mom said there was no way he could stay with them again. He wouldn't leave the cats alone.
After a long, hard and tearful discussion, Joe and I decided to release him back to the rescue. As much as we loved him, we had to think what was best for him and we couldn't provide that.
I cried like a baby, of course. I know they'll find him a perfect home. The foster coordinator said she would keep me posted on him, so that made me feel better.
If, and when, we decide to get another dog, we know to get a smaller breed that's okay with being alone for the larger part of the day. But for now...it's just us and that's just fine.
I got (another) new job! I know, I can hear it now: "But Dani! You just started at your other new job!" Hear me out, guys! My new-new job is only five miles away from our apartment, and it pays $2 more per hour! Oh! And did I mention full medical, dental and vision insurance and a raise after 90 days? Yeah, I would have been STUPID to pass it up!
I will miss my co-workers I've gotten to know over the past month, they have all been so incredibly nice and amazing. Many of them even encouraged me to go for the new job! Talk about support! My last day with them is this Friday (the 17), and I start my new position on the 20.
In other news, I'm ready to chop off my hair. I should probably leave the long locks alone for the wedding, but I'm figuring our wedding is a year and a half away, and hair grows. If it isn't to the length I want by that time, I'll just get some clip in extensions! What haircut am I looking at?

Oh, and in about 16 days, Joe and I are going to Colorado Springs for the Fourth of July! SO EXCITED!
Later Days!
Congratulations! It's a very exciting time :)
Hi Dani!! First off, CONGRATS on your engagement!!! So happy for you...how exciting. :)
Second, if you're interested in that wine set of photos in black and white, I can certainly do that for you! Just shoot me an email at jenni.storyoml@gmail.com and let me know if you decide you'd for sure like it and if the 8x10 size is OK (that's what it's listed at on my Etsy). If I hear from you, I'll make a custom listing for you on my shop's page and you can purchase that way.
No pressure, of course, just wanted to let you know! :)
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