Challenging Week
>> Tuesday, February 8, 2011
First, we had to deal with a hellish winter storm. I had gone to work Monday knowing I'd probably get a snow day or two. I didn't think I'd be stuck at home for the next four days because of all the ice. Cabin fever doesn't really begin to describe it. I finished my book, and our internet had gone out. So all that was left was re-runs of Real Housewives and watching different movies. I went to bed pretty early each night because I was so tired after doing nothing all day. Ugh.
Even more "Ugh" worthy was me getting sick with strep! I woke up Saturday morning with a sore throat and by Sunday morning, I was nearly passing out at CareNow from dehydration. I hadn't been able to eat or drink because my throat was so sore and I couldn't swallow. I got an IV drip, pain medication and antibiotics. I'm still a little sick today, but feeling TONS better thanks to the antibiotics.
Dad also had heart surgery Monday afternoon in Austin. Nothing terribly serious, but still-it's heart surgery! He's had problems with arrhythmia for a while and medication wasn't treating it anymore. The surgery went smoothly, and him and Mom are on their way back home as I type. We had a lot to deal with this week. Snow and ice, Dad's upcoming heart surgery, and almost everyone being sick.
The hardest part of this week:
My family had to say goodbye to our dog, Ladybug.

My older sister brought Ladybug home from a friend who lived around the block. They said Ladybug liked a lot of attention, and they weren't home enough to give it to her. She was a very energetic dog. Lots of love and life! She was a great addition to our family for the next 14 years.
I'm so sorry for how I treated you towards the end. It wasn't because I didn't love you. I just didn't want to hurt so much once you were gone. That obviously didn't work-I was wrong.

That's all I can write for now. It's hard to see the screen through the tears.
Later Days,
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