Challenging Week

>> Tuesday, February 8, 2011

This past week has been a very challenging one.

First, we had to deal with a hellish winter storm. I had gone to work Monday knowing I'd probably get a snow day or two. I didn't think I'd be stuck at home for the next four days because of all the ice. Cabin fever doesn't really begin to describe it. I finished my book, and our internet had gone out. So all that was left was re-runs of Real Housewives and watching different movies. I went to bed pretty early each night because I was so tired after doing nothing all day. Ugh.

Even more "Ugh" worthy was me getting sick with strep! I woke up Saturday morning with a sore throat and by Sunday morning, I was nearly passing out at CareNow from dehydration. I hadn't been able to eat or drink because my throat was so sore and I couldn't swallow. I got an IV drip, pain medication and antibiotics. I'm still a little sick today, but feeling TONS better thanks to the antibiotics.

Dad also had heart surgery Monday afternoon in Austin. Nothing terribly serious, but still-it's heart surgery! He's had problems with arrhythmia for a while and medication wasn't treating it anymore. The surgery went smoothly, and him and Mom are on their way back home as I type. We had a lot to deal with this week. Snow and ice, Dad's upcoming heart surgery, and almost everyone being sick.

The hardest part of this week:
My family had to say goodbye to our dog, Ladybug.
The past few months had been pretty rough for Bug. She had become blind and deaf, and we were almost positive she was diabetic. On Friday things got worse: she wasn't eating or drinking. Ladybug was never one to refuse food or water, so we knew it was time. I think what made it worse is that it was still snowing and we had to go out in it to get her to the vet. I went with my Dad and held her in the car. I don't think she knew what was coming. My little sister was upset that I was going to the vet with Ladybug and not her. I can understand my sister's frustration cause I will admit that I had been harsh towards Bug. I think I was trying to separate myself from her so maybe when the time did come it wouldn't hit me as hard. It didn't help. I still bawled like a baby, and all I could keep saying was "I'm so sorry, Bug." I acted horribly towards her, and I probably won't forgive myself for it either.
My older sister brought Ladybug home from a friend who lived around the block. They said Ladybug liked a lot of attention, and they weren't home enough to give it to her. She was a very energetic dog. Lots of love and life! She was a great addition to our family for the next 14 years.

I'm so sorry for how I treated you towards the end. It wasn't because I didn't love you. I just didn't want to hurt so much once you were gone. That obviously didn't work-I was wrong.
Rest in Peace, Buggy. You were a great little dog.

That's all I can write for now. It's hard to see the screen through the tears.

Later Days,


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