Christmas in July?
>> Friday, July 30, 2010
*peeks around the corner*
Oh, hey guys!
I need to be given the worst blogger award. It's been over a month since my last post? FAIL. Major fail.
So what's been going on with me? I've been working, hanging out, and still looking for a new job.
Remember when I said I was so excited to work the summer program? OH MAH LAWD. Tie my tubes NOW! I'm so done working with kids! I love them, and I know if/when I have my own, they won't be the same, but geez! I'm so burnt out! I need to work with adults! Also, working in childcare can be rewarding, but I really don't get paid enough for what I do. It doesn't pay the bills!
Joe started his new job last week! I'm so proud of him. He is so excited about making more money, and being employed with a company that will really use his skills. Oh, and he's so happy to have a cubicle. Cute, right?
I've been doing a lot of shopping lately. Nothing too pricey though. We're talking Payless, Target, Old Navy, Forever 21, Charlotte Russe, Delia's, etc. And the majority of my purchases were on sale! Like for instance, the few things I bought today!
I bought a cute red blouse from Target. Target's website was being stupid, so I couldn't find a picture, and I'm too lazy to really keep trying to find it. It was $20, but definitely worth it. Any top that makes me look a little more endowed in the chest area is always worth the money! ;]

I bought these for $9. I figured I needed silver sandals, and I can wear these to work because they have a strap. It's a win-win for me.

Aren't these CUTE?! They were on sale for $17. I think they were originally $28? Don't quote me! I already took the price sticker off them. Again, silver shoes. These will come in handy around Christmas time :D
Speaking of CHRISTMAS, I am SO READY for this summer weather to be done and over with! My iTunes shuffled to Andrea Bocelli's version of "Silent Night" and I listened to the whole thing! His voice is so beautiful, it makes me cry!
I went to Hobby Lobby with my friend Diana for wedding stuff, and they had Christmas ornaments up already! Of course, this is exciting for me! That means we're getting closer to the cooler weather! I belong in a colder climate! I hate the heat! Did I mention all my cute clothes aren't really good for the summer? I can't wait to wear my jeans, sweaters, coats, cardigans and boots! I tried on a pair of boots at Payless today. I sent a picture of me wearing them to my Mom. Keep in mind it was over 100 degrees, so I was wearing shorts. Short, slouchy, cowboy boots and shorts isn't really an attractive combination. Mom's reaction? "" Of course I'm thinking ahead to fall and winter. Skinny jeans, those boots, and my new red blouse would be a great outfit!

See what I mean? Adorable! And only $40! Not something I can afford right now, but soon!
(I just noticed all the pictures on this post is shoes. Sad? Maybe.)
In other news, I found out if I don't have a full time job by my birthday (September 28), I will be dropped from my parents' insurance. HOWEVER! It will only be a lapse in coverage. Because the health care bill passed, that means dependents can stay on their parents' insurance until the age of 26. So, in January I can be re-instated. That means 3 months of no insurance. 3 months of Vitamin C, a better diet and exercise plan and lots and lots and LOTS of hand sanitizer so I don't get sick. I won't lie to you, I'm extremely scared. What if something happens? I know I'll more than likely be find, but still! Those "What Ifs" keep creeping into my mind. Please keep me in your prayers, good thoughts and vibes. Either to make it through those 3 months unscathed or to find a full time career.
I recently downloaded Fireflight's song "Desperate." It really grabbed my attention even though I don't normally listen to Christian bands. Some of the lyrics really strike a chord with me:
I know You hear me,
Would You give me a sign?
Reel me in before I've fallen in line.
You've put me on a path I don't understand
I'm standing on a ledge waving my hands.
Is it weird if this is really how I feel right now? I don't know what's happening, I don't really know where I'm going and it's scaring the you-know-what out of me. That's all I'm asking for! A sign! Something to point me in the right direction.
I don't know what else to write about now, lovlies. I think I'm done for the night.
Later Days!
Make sure you get your flu shot and stuff now so that you won't be dying then! Kara didn't have insurance for 4 years and was just fine though, so don't worry too much. :) xo
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