Rude People!
>> Monday, February 22, 2010
Hello readers!
I have a rant about rude people. I know I've ranted about flakes, but this just irks me!
I'm in a Psychology of Adjustment class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. My teacher encourages a class discussion/participation. I'm the type of person who likes to talk and hear other peoples' stories! However, there is this older woman in my class I would probably put around my Mom's age. She LOVES to talk and give her two cents, but whenever I'm talking she is so incredibly rude! She'll sigh, crack a joke, etc. And today, she asked Cynthia (my teacher) if she "remembered what we discussed on Friday" (we talked about staying on topic) and "that's all she wanted to say" right after I said something! Everyone was still copying the notes, so I wasn't interrupting anything! I always listen to her stories about her previous drug use or her rebellious teenager, but am I interested in it? No, not really but I am still courteous, and I let her speak!
I talked to Cynthia after class and I told her how this woman is really bothering me! I was taught to listen when someone is speaking, and have common courtesy! She said to take the high road and not say anything. I told her if it continues, I'd have to say something! Not be confrontational, but just tell her she's being extremely rude! Cynthia said if it happened again on Wednesday, she would discuss being rude to the class.
How many times have you had to keep your mouth shut about a rude person? Did you confront them, or take the high road and let it go?
Later Days!
first of all THANK YOU for commenting my blog...I forgot where yours was (BAD FRIEND..I know, sorry girl!) but I put you on my blog list so we should be good now!!!
I love the blog design-WAY cute!!!
haha and I cant imagine brides just ranting off about STD's while trying on white wedding dresses LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it caught me so off guard just reading about it I can imagine how much worse hearing it must have been!!!
okay so about your post she sounds like a big...B word
I had an issue with a woman I work with -the issue was the way she flirted with every male that walked in the door/and she's been doing it since she got hired last year- but i let it just build up and build up and I think by doing that it made it SO much worse.
we got into a verbal disput (in an office not in front of the kids or anyone) and I called her out on it, and she just acted like if I was some crazy person with a quote "Obvious Personality Disorder"
I think she learned nothing. and now we dont even speak to one another. which is fine by me, but I wish I didnt get into that argument with her.
I think you should just let your prof deal with it. continue to inform her of your annoyance and she will eventually solve it
you making a deal out of it will just add flame to the fire sista. a former drug doing mother with a rebellious teen has enough angst in her life that she just doesnt give a crap about others in general (i dont think her issue is YOU, I think its her own deal)
let me know how it works out though...cause now im intrested ;)
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