>> Thursday, June 24, 2010
Hey guys!
Let's start on a slightly higher note. My cousin's wedding was SO MUCH FUN! Re-connecting with that side of my family was amazing. Now I might visit my Aunt Claudia in Michigan before the end of the summer! Woop! I found the Golden Bear necklace she bought me in Vail back in 1997. Still in great condition, and totally wearable. If you're from Colorado, or around the Vail area, then you know The Golden Bear jewelery brand is called "The Symbol of Vail Valley". It's such a shame it's a golden necklace...if it was white gold I would totally wear it everyday!

But on a bummed out note, Joe and I don't get to go to Colorado Springs for the Fourth of July. His sister has to work all that weekend, so they don't have anything planned. Oh, and Joe's Dad will be going up there that weekend too because Jenn is having her tonsils taken out on the 6th.
I am SO disappointed. I understand why we can't go, but it's still lame. I was looking forward to the cooler weather. No joke. I'm not spending time outside, it's TOO FREAKING HOT. It's not like I can go swimming or hang out by the pool. Unless that body of water is natural or a saltwater pool, it can't be done. The chlorine eats away the adhesive on my pump. Sad times, my lovelies. Very, very sad times.
Joe is trying to be optimistic and saying we'll find something to do because we're off that weekend. We better find something amazing or I'm just going to be cranky.
I think I'm getting a little miffed now because Joe was supposed to go to my cousin's wedding with me, and he decided not to go because he couldn't afford to go with me to Minneapolis AND the trip to Colorado. Now he didn't go to either! He could have gone with me and met my family!! UGH!
That's all I've got to say for now. I'm throwing a fit and ranting about it. Boo hiss.
Later Days!