>> Monday, May 24, 2010
I had to visit my doctor AGAIN! Within a week! Seriously?!
I told them, "I'm not a hypochondriac, I swear!" My throat is sore, my ears are plugged, and oh! Did I mention I'm losing my voice?! BALLS.
While picking up my antibiotics at the pharmacy drive through, I busted one of my acrylics. Easily replaceable, but still! OUCH!
I go to work, and slowly but surely my voice starts dwindling. The kids can't quite get the concept that Ms. Dani is sick, and can't talk very loud. OH! AND the CCMS person decides to visit us today. OMG SHOOT ME.
I get home after work only to hear about a call from my new endocrinologist. On the message it said my thyroid is over active and my sugars are running too high, and now I need to see her in early June. Great. If I can actually get in for an appointment, and get time off work, I will have visited her office 3 times in the month of June.
Oh, and I'm supposed to start my period this week.
< sarcasm >
< / sarcasm >
Later Days!
Shame on ya'll if you haven't watched the videos I posted a few blog posts before! I worked hard on get to watching! :]